Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sun and Moon Project

This is my first draft that I draw in class. I think I will use the over-lapping and spacing concept . In this case the Sun is the little circle which stay over-lapped on the moon. But I leave the space for the sun and not going to fill the color on it.

However , after studying some concepts of Maddy class . I would like to change some concept for my final Sun &Moon prject . I used the blur to create the movement for the sun. You can see the sun looks like it's moving into the moon. It make our direction move from the moon to the sun continuously . In addition, I still keep the overlapped concept .The sun still stay over-lapped on the moon. The closure concept also is used . As the over-lapping the moon on the sun, we still can recognize the hidden part of the moon. So let's have a look at it.

1 comment:

Madeleine Morris said...

Really nice refinement of your drawing!